Flexibility and scalability
The architecture of a KNX building automation installation is based on an original principle, separation of the power and control circuits. This approach provides a distinct advantage: the possibility to change the installation at any time.
Berker B.IQ
A wide array of alternative materials and colours have been added to the convenient variety of KNX functionality of the Berker B.IQ.
Berker TS / TS Crystal / TS Crystal Ball
Behind its elegantly purist exterior, there is an unexpected wealth of technical options: the Berker TS allows operation, not only of multiple light sources, but, if so desired, also of intelligent building control systems.
Berker TS Sensor
Up to eight functions are concealed under a pure surface that is practically flush with the wall, and can be custom-labelled on request. A single touch is all it takes to control lights, heating or blinds.
Berker R.1/R.3 Touch Sensors
The KNX-Touch Sensor has the same assembly height as the switches in the R.-Design. With its integrated bus coupling unit, a variety of building functions can be read and controlled through it.
Berker KNX Pushbuttons and Visualisation
All-rounders that hide their technical perfection and spacious insert width behind a discreet surface. These include our KNX control sections, which can be integrated easily into our switch range using simply their design or using a frame.
Berker KNX Sensors and Actuators
With KNX, a house provides a significant contribution to looking after itself. Using the Berker KNX bus system, your house can learn to adapt to changed environmental conditions. Actuators are selected according to the resources they are to switch or control.
KNX System Units
They guarantee the necessary infrastructure in the building, ensuring a flawless information exchange between sensors and actuators.
As simple as a touch, as smart as a thought, enjoy the best of home automation to manage your home.