Comfort and efficiency
Energy and lighting control product range allows to optimise energy consumption while increasing comfort.
Time Switches & Twilight Switches
Time switches control lighting, heating, household appliances, shop windows and many other devices according to pre-defined programming. Their major benefits are to improve comfort and save energy.
Dimmers allows to control ON/OFF switching and lighting level according to pre-defined settings. As an answer to the phasing out of high consumption lamps and the introduction of energy saving alternatives (CFL, LED), Hager proposes a range of dimmers adapted to these new types of loads.
Motion Detectors
These devices are made for automatic control of lighting in both the residential and private/public industry sectors. They automatically switch on lighting in case a person in movement is detected and light is needed. They turn off the light after a preset duration.
Presence Detectors
High performance presence detector that will be used in premises or in passage areas, where they increase comfort and reduce drastically the energy costs.
Smoke Detectors
The smoke detector from Hager brings you more security in residential, offices or small commercial premises. Since the sensor and the smoke detection are working independently of each other, the device ensures a high level of reliability.